1. Conducted research using Google and ChatGPT to gather information about electric vehicles, solar panels, and related topics.
  2. Focused research on understanding the various components of electric vehicle chargers.
  3. Wrote a section in the report titled "Components of Electric Vehicle Charger" based on findings, ensuring clarity and accuracy.
  4. To improve the quality of my writing, I used tools like ChatGPT and Grammarly to check for any grammatical errors.
  5. Did the part on 'secondary research', 'user experience', and 'feedback mechanism'.
  6. Expanded Section 2.1.2 by including additional insights on high initial costs and roof types.
  7. I did an 'implementation strategy' (4.2.1) and a 'monitoring and maintenance plan' (4.2.2).
  8. Following feedback from Prof Blackstone during a Zoom meeting, I revised the section on components in an EV charger to improve clarity.
  9. Lastly, I worked with Ivy to refine the executive summary, focusing on improving grammar and sentence structure for better readability.


  1. Thank you for all the hard work, Celine.

    One point to note is that your bullet points are not parallel.


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